Thursday, October 13, 2011

4 days to go.

Im freaking out. I dont feel like I have the right to be this scared though after wanting and waiting for so long. I am really worried about dying and leaving my kids without a mummy to look after them and leaving my husband without his wife. Who would want to be a widow, let alone a widow at 25.
I dont doubt my decision to have this surgery though and I completely trust in my surgeon and hospital team. I just worry that something may go wrong. Im happy that my hubby has the day off and will be there when I wake up, my mum was given the day off by her employer aswell (just by chance, she didnt request it) so will be there to keep him calm and he wont be alone.
I just want it to be here so I can have it done and the worry will be over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck for tomorrow Chloe! You will be fine. This whole new life is just waiting for you.
Sending positive vibes.